

Enfranchisement, Political Participation and Political Competition: Evidence from Colonial India.
Joint with Lakshmi Iyer and Rinchan Mirza
Conditionally Accepted Journal of Economic History
Press Cover: Vox Talks

The impact of 2020 French municipal elections on the spread of COVID-19
Joint with Marc Sangnier
Journal of Population Economics (2022).
Replication Files
Media Briefing (in French)
Press Coverage

"Too young to die". Deprivation measures combining poverty and premature mortality
Online appendix.
Joint with Jean-Marie Baland and Benoit Decerf
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2021).
Press cover: VoxDev.org

Identities and Public Policies: Unexpected Effects of Political Reservations for Women in India.
Joint with Lore Vandewalle
World Development (2021).
Press cover: Vox.eu, Ideas for India

Political regime and COVID 19 death rate: efficient, biasing or simply different autocracies? An econometric analysis.
Joint with Milan van Steenvoort.
Social Science and Medecine - Population Health (2021).
Replication Files

Affirmative Action, Education and Gender: Evidence from India.
Journal of Development Economics (2019).
Online appendix. Raw data and replication files.
Press Cover: The Hindu, G-MonD, I4I, LiveMint

Income concentration in British India, 1885-1946.
Online appendix.
Joint with Facundo Alvaredo and Augustin Bergeron
Journal of Development Economics (2017).

Identity Based Policies and Identity Manipulation: Evidence from Colonial Punjab.
Online appendix. Raw data and replication files.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2015).

Religion, Politician Identity and Development Outcomes: Evidence From India
Joint with Sonia Balhotra, Irma Clots-Figueras and Laskhmi Iyer
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2014).
Press Cover: Business Standard

Working papers
A Division of Laborers: Identity and Efficiency in India
Joint with Dan Keniston and Tatjana Kleineberg
R&R Econometrica
Press Cover: Ideas for India, VoxDev Talk

Poverty-Adjusted Life Expectancy: a consistent index in the quantity and the quality of life.
Joint with Jean-Marie Baland and Benoit Decerf
Reject & Resubmit Restat

Sex-Selective Abortions and Instrumental Births as the two faces of the Stopping Rule. New measures and world evidence.
Joint with Jean Marie Baland and François Woitrin.
CEPR Working Paper 18014
Non technical summary in French in the Revue d'économie du développement.

Political Determinants of the News Market: Novel Data and Quasi-Experimental Evidence from India.
Joint with Julia Cagé and Francesca Jensenius
CEPR Working Paper 17920
Press Cover: Ideas for India, Vox Talks

The stopping rule may decrease fertility: evidence from a counterfactual analysis.
Joint with Milan van Steenvoort.

Work in progress
Democratization, Media Supply and Media Bias: Evidence from the USA
Joint with Julia Cagé, Eric Melander and James Snyder

Majoritarian Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions: Evidence from India.
Joint with Laurent Bouton, Micael Castanheira, Garance Genicot and Francesca Jensenius.

Invisibilization of mothers. Child Penalty in cinema and media: evidence from actors.
Joint with Auguste Debroise.

Non academic publications
Avortements sélectifs, naissances instrumentales et la règle d'arrêt.
Joint with Jean Marie Baland and François Woitrin.
Revue d'Economie du Developpement, Forthcoming
This is a non technical summary in French of Sex-Selective Abortions and Instrumental Births as the two faces of the Stopping Rule. New measures and world evidence.

The Economics of Caste
Chapter prepared for the Oxford Handbook of Caste in Contemporary/Modern Times, Surinder S. Jodhka and Jules Naudet eds.

La caste dans l'Inde en développement
Collection du CEPREMAP, Editions Rue d'Ulm. 2015. (in French)

Economie des politiques publiques
Repères, La Découverte. 2010. Co-authored. (in French)
A few pages here

Migration "Push" Factors in Non-OECD Countries over the Long Run
Joint with Anna di Mattia.
in The Future of International Migration to OECD Countries, OECD, 2009.
