
Alexandre Mayer


Author: Keyword: Journal: Year:
    A. Mayer, Theory of three-dimensional electronic scattering by transfer matrices and Green's functions applied to the simulation of the Fresnel projection microcope, PhD thesis, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium), 18 December 1998.

  1. Real-space formulation of the quantum-mechanical elastic diffusion under n-fold axially symmetric forces
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review B 56, 12599 (1997)
  2. Quantum-mechanical theory of field-emission under axially symmetric forces
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10, 869 (1998)
  3. Electronic Green scattering with n-fold symmetry axis from block circulant matrices
    A. Mayer, A. Castiaux and J.-P. Vigneron
    Computer Physics Communications 109, 81 (1998)
  4. Accuracy-control techniques applied to stable transfer-matrix computations
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review E 59, 4659 (1999)
  5. Transfer matrices combined with Green's functions for the multiple-scattering simulation of electronic projection imaging
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review B 60, 2875 (1999)
  6. Transfer-matrix quantum-mechanical theory of electronic field-emission from nanotips
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 17, 506 (1999)
  7. Transfer-matrix and Green's-function quantum-mechanical theory of electronic field emission applied to the simulation of diffraction by a carbon fiber in the Fresnel Projection Microscope
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Ultramicroscopy 79, 35 (1999)
  8. Group theory used to improve the efficiency of transfer-matrix computations
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review E 60, 7533 (1999)
  9. Transfer-matrix methodology with stability-control techniques
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physics and Modern Topics in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, edited by N.E. Mastorakis (WSES-Press, Greece, 1999), p. 106
    Proc. of the WSES Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Physics '99, 91-96
  10. Electron scattering by a C60 molecule in a projection configuration
    A. Mayer, P. Senet and J-P. Vigneron
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11, 8617 (1999)
  11. Non-square transfer-matrix technique applied to the simulation of electronic diffraction by a three-dimensional circular aperture
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review E 61, 5953 (2000)
  12. Real-space formulation of the quantum-mechanical inelastic scattering under complex-valued n-fold axially symmetric potentials
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12, 6693 (2000)
  13. Three-dimensional photon-stimulated field emission theory by transfer matrices and Green's functions
    A. Mayer, M. J. Hagmann and J.-P. Vigneron
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 18, 1014 (2000)
  14. Quantum-mechanical theory of electronic photon-stimulated field emission by transfer matrices and Green's functions
    A. Mayer, M. J. Hagmann and J.-P. Vigneron
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 80, 816 (2000)
  15. Inverse electronic scattering by Green's functions and singular values decomposition
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review B 62, 16023 (2000)
  16. Quantum-mechanical simulations of photon-stimulated field emission by transfer matrices and Green's functions
    A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
    Physical Review B 62, 16138 (2000)
  17. Electronic diffraction tomography by Green's functions and singular values decomposition
    A. Mayer
    Physical Review B 63, 035408 (2001)
  18. Comparison between experimental and computer simulations of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of dielectric-coated photon-stimulated field emitters
    A. Mayer, M.S. Mousa and J.-P. Vigneron
    Ultramicroscopy 89, 95 (2001)
  19. Inverse electronic scattering by singular values decomposition within the Fresnel-Kirchhoff formalism
    A. Mayer
    Ultramicroscopy 90, 61 (2001)
  20. Three-dimensional calculation of field emission from carbon nanotubes using a transfer-matrix methodology
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Nanotubes, Fullerenes, Nanostructured and Disordered Carbon, edited by J. Robertson, T.A. Friedmann, D.B. Geohegan, D.E. Luzzi and R.S. Ruoff (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Pennsylvania, 2001), vol. 675, p. W6.10.1
  21. Three-dimensional calculation of field electron energy distributions from open hydrogen-saturated and capped metallic (5,5) carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Applied Physics Letters 79, 3338 (2001)
  22. Real-space formulation of the quantum-mechanical electronic scattering under static n-fold axially symmetric electric and magnetic fields in a projection microscope
    A. Mayer
    Ultramicroscopy 90, 121 (2002)
  23. Quantum-mechanical simulations of field emission from carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer and Ph. Lambin
    Carbon 40, 429 (2002)
  24. Inverse electronic scattering from shifted projections within the Fresnel-Kirchhoff formalism
    A. Mayer
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 20, 885 (2002)
  25. Transfer-matrix simulations of field emission from a metallic (5,5) carbon nanotube
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Ultramicroscopy 92, 215 (2002)
  26. Simulations of field emission from a semiconducting (10,0) carbon nanotube
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 20, 100 (2002)
  27. Theoretical comparison between field emission from single-wall and multi-wall carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Physical Review B 65, 155420 (2002)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 5 (16) (2002)
  28. Photon-stimulated field emission from semiconducting (10,0) and metallic (5,5) carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Physical Review B 65, 195416 (2002)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 5 (19) (2002) ; Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 1 (1) (2002)
  29. Simulations of transport and field-emission properties of multi-wall carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Cold Cathodes II, edited by M. Cahay, K.L. Jensen, P.D. Mumford, V.T. Binh, C. Holland and J.D. Lee (Proceedings of the 201st Spring Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Pennsylvania, 2002), vol. 2002-18, p. 229
  30. Emissive and cooling properties of carbon based materials for microelectronics
    N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler, A. Mayer and P.B. Lerner
    Cold Cathodes II, edited by M. Cahay, K.L. Jensen, P.D. Mumford, V.T. Binh, C. Holland and J.D. Lee (Proceedings of the 201st Spring Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Pennsylvania, 2002), vol. 2002-18, p. 175
  31. Three-dimensional simulations of field emission through an oscillating barrier from a (10,0) carbon nanotube
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 21, 395 (2003)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 7 (7) (2003)
  32. Theoretical comparison between field-emission properties of carbon protrusions ranging from an isolated atom to multi-wall nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, R177 (2003)
  33. Simulations of transport and field-emission properties of carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 21, 1545 (2003)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 8 (6) (2003)
  34. Transfer-matrix simulations of field emission from bundles of open and closed (5,5) carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler and Ph. Lambin
    Physical Review B 68, 235401 (2003)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 8 (24) (2003)
  35. Band-structure and transport calculations in quantum wires using a transfer-matrix technique
    A. Mayer
    Physical and Chemical News 16, 46 (2004)
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  36. Modeling of electronic transport in GaN n-i-p junctions
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 22, 2574 (2004)
  37. Band structure and transport properties of carbon nanotubes using a local pseudopotential and a transfer-matrix technique
    A. Mayer
    Carbon 42, 2057 (2004)
  38. Atomic pseudopotential model for wave packet tunneling through a carbon nanotube
    G.I. Mark, L.P. Biro, L. Tapaszto, A. Mayer and Ph. Lambin
    Electronic Properties of Novel Materials -- Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring and S. Roth (AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2004), vol. 723, p. 389
    International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tirol (Austria), 6-13 March 2004
  39. Transfer-matrix simulations of electronic transport in single-wall and multi-wall carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer
    Carbon 43, 717 (2005)
  40. Electronic field-assisted emission from GaN: the role of surface charges
    A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Semiconductor Science and Technology 20, 202 (2005)
  41. Polarization of metallic carbon nanotubes from a model that includes both net charges and dipoles
    A. Mayer
    Physical Review B 71, 235333 (2005)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 12 (2) (2005), NanoSPRINT Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology
  42. A monopole-dipole model to compute the polarization of metallic carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer
    Applied Physics Letters 86, 153110 (2005)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 11 (15) (2005)
  43. Calculation of the electrostatic forces that act on carbon nanotubes placed in the vicinity of metallic protrusions
    A. Mayer and Ph. Lambin
    Nanotechnology 16, 2685 (2005)
  44. Modeling of field-assisted emission from the image states on a glass substrate
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, N. Kumar, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24, 629 (2006)
  45. Theoretical Analysis of Triple Junction Field Emission for a New Type of Cold Cathode
    M.S. Chung, S.C. Hong, P.H. Cutler, N.M Miskovsky, B.L. Weiss and A. Mayer
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24, 909 (2006)
  46. Finite-difference calculation of the Green's function of a one-dimensional crystal: application to the Kronig-Penney potential
    A. Mayer
    Physical Review E 74, 046708 (2006)
  47. Wave packet dynamical investigation of STM imaging mechanism using an atomic pseudopotential model of a carbon nanotube
    G.I. Mark, L. Tapaszto, L.P. Biro and A. Mayer
    Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology, edited by V.N. Popov and P. Lambin (Ser. NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006), vol. 222, p. 167
  48. Charge-dipole model to compute the polarization of fullerenes
    A. Mayer, Ph. Lambin and R. Langlet
    Applied Physics Letters 89, 063117 (2006)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 14 (8) (2006)
  49. A charge-dipole model to compute the polarizability of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
    A. Mayer, R. Langlet and Ph. Lambin
    Recent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering, edited by T. Simos and G. Maroulis (Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006), vol. 7, p. 1247
    Selected Papers from the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Chania, Crete, 27 Oct-2 Nov 2006
  50. Modeling of field-assisted emission from a negative electron affinity cathode
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, N. Kumar, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 25, 109 (2007)
  51. Formulation in terms of normalized propagators of a charge-dipole model enabling the calculation of the polarization properties of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes
    A. Mayer
    Physical Review B 75, 045407 (2007)
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 15 (3) (2007)
  52. Investigation of the polarizability and the local electric field of fullerenes with various shapes and defects using a monopole-dipole interaction model
    R. Langlet, A. Mayer, N. Geuquet, H. Amara, M. Vandescuren, L. Henrard and Ph. Lambin
    Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, edited by V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko and V. S. Gurin (Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2007, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007), p. 266
    Proceedings of the Nanomeeting conference, Minsk, Bellarus, 22-25 May 2007
  53. Study of the polarizability of fullerenes with a monopole-dipole interaction model
    R. Langlet, A. Mayer, N. Geuguet, H. Amara, M. Vandenscuren, L. Henrard, S. Maksimenko and Ph. Lambin
    Diamond and Related Materials 16, 2145 (2007)
  54. A charge-dipole model for the static polarizability of nanostructures including aliphatic, olephinic and aromatic systems
    A. Mayer and P.-O. Astrand
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 1277 (2008)
  55. Electrostatic interaction model for the frequency-dependent polarizability: methodology and applications to hydrocarbons and fullerenes
    A. Mayer, Ph. Lambin and P.-O. Astrand
    Nanotechnology 19, 025203 (2008)
  56. Inner shell charging of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
    M. Zdrojek, T. Heim, D. Brunel, A. Mayer and T. Melin
    Physical Review B 77, 033404 (2008)
  57. Three-dimensional analysis of the geometrical rectifying properties of metal-vacuum-metal junctions and extension for energy conversion
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Physical Review B 77, 085411 (2008)
  58. Energy exchange in field emission from semiconductors
    M.S. Chung, Y.J. Jang, A. Mayer, P.H. Cutler, N.M. Miskovsky and B.L. Weiss
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 26, 800 (2008)
  59. New analysis of electron energy exchange and cooling in semiconductors
    M.S. Chung, S.C. Hong, A. Mayer, P.H. Cutler, B.L. Weiss and N.M. Miskovsky
    Applied Physics Letters 92, 083505 (2008)
  60. Three-dimensional analysis of the rectifying properties of geometrically asymmetric metal-vacuum-metal junctions treated as an oscillating barrier
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Physical Review B 78, 205404 (2008)
  61. Dipole polarizability of onion-like carbons and electromagnetic properties of their composites
    R. Langlet, Ph. Lambin, A. Mayer, S.A. Maksimenko and P.P. Kuzhir
    Nanotechnology 19, 115706 (2008)
  62. Geometrical rectifying properties of metal-vacuum-metal junctions
    A. Mayer, B.L. Weiss, M.S. Chung, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Conference record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference 33, 1 (2008)
    Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, San Diego, 11-16 May 2008
  63. Theoretical analysis of the energy exchange and cooling in field emission from the conduction band of the n-type semiconductor
    M.S. Chung, Y.J. Jang, A. Mayer, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27, 692 (2009)
  64. A charge-dipole interaction model for the frequency-dependent polarizability of silver clusters
    A. Mayer, A. Gonzalez, C.M. Aikens and G.C. Schatz
    Nanotechnology 20, 195204 (2009)
    Editor's choice for the Nanotechweb online issue of June 2, 2009
  65. Rectification properties of geometrically asymmetric metal-vacuum-metal junctions: a comparison between tungsten and silver tips to determine the effects of polarization resonances
    A. Mayer and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 395304 (2009)
  66. Enhanced polarizability of aromatic molecules placed in the vicinity of silver clusters
    A. Mayer and G.C. Schatz
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 325301 (2009)
  67. Simulations of infrared and optical rectification by geometrically asymmetric metal-vacuum-metal junctions for applications in energy conversion devices
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Nanotechnology 21, 145204 (2010)
    Editor's choice for the Nanotechweb online issue of May 18, 2010
  68. Configuration-dependent enhancements of electric fields near the quadruple and the triple junction
    M.S. Chung, B.-G. Yoon, P.H. Cutler, N.M. Miskovsky, B.L. Weiss and A. Mayer
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, C2A94 (2010)
  69. Cooling power of field emission from the n-type silicon semiconductor
    M.S. Chung, B.-G. Yoon, A. Mayer, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, C2A19 (2010)
  70. A comparative study of the electron transmission through one-dimensional barriers relevant to field-emission problems
    A. Mayer
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 175007 (2010)
    Editor's choice for the IOP Select collection of articles (May 2010)
  71. Numerical testing of the Fowler-Nordheim equation for the electronic field emission from a flat metal and proposition for an improved equation
    A. Mayer
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, 758 (2010)
  72. Imaging the operation of a carbon nanotube charge sensor at the nanoscale
    D. Brunel, A. Mayer and T. Melin
    ACS Nano 4, 5978 (2010)
  73. Dielectric properties of a novel high absorbing onion-like-carbon based polymer composite
    J. Macutkevic, P. Kuzhir, D. Seliuta, G. Valusis, J. Banys, A. Paddubskaya, D. Bychanok, G. Slepyan, S. Maksimenko, V. Kuznetsov, S. Moseenkov, O. Shenderova, A. Mayer and Ph. Lambin
    Diamond & Related Materials 19, 91 (2010)
  74. Exact solutions for the field electron emission achieved from a flat metal using the standard Fowler-Nordheim equation with a correction factor that accounts for the electric field, the work function and the Fermi energy of the emitter
    A. Mayer
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 29, 021803 (2011)
  75. Classical and quantum responsivities of geometrically asymmetric metal-vacuum-metal junctions used for the rectification of infrared and optical radiations
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, P.B. Lerner, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 29, 041802 (2011)
  76. Field emission cooling of thermoelectric semiconductor PbTe
    M.S. Chung, A. Mayer, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Applied Physics Letters 98, 243502 (2011)
  77. Analysis of the efficiency with which geometrically asymmetric metal-vacuum-metal junctions can be used for the rectification of infrared and optical radiations
    A. Mayer, M.S. Chung, P.B. Lerner, B.L. Weiss, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 30, 31802 (2012)
  78. Nanoscale devices for rectification of high frequency radiation from the infrared through the visible: a new approach
    N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler, A. Mayer, B.L. Weiss, B.G. Willis, T.E. Sullivan and P.B. Lerner
    Journal of Nanotechnology 2012, 512379 (2012)
  79. Combined nonmetallic electronegativity equalization and point-dipole interaction model for the frequency-dependent polarizability
    H.S. Smalo, P.-O. Astrand and A. Mayer
    Molecular Physics 111, 1470 (2013)
  80. Thermodynamic Analysis of High Frequency Rectifying Devices: Determination of the Efficiency and Other Performance Parameters
    P.B. Lerner, N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler, A. Mayer and M.S. Chung
    Nano Energy 2, 368 (2013)
  81. Dielectric effect on electric fields in the vicinity of the metal-vacuum-dielectric junction
    M.S. Chung, A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky, B.L. Weiss and P.H. Cutler
    Ultramicroscopy 132, 41 (2013)
  82. Electronic transport through ordered and disordered graphene grain boundaries
    P. Vancso, G.I. Mark, Ph. Lambin, A. Mayer, Y.-S. Kim, C. Hwang and L.P. Biro
    Carbon 64, 101 (2013)
  83. The role of geometry in nanoscale rectennas for rectification and energy conversion
    N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler, A. Mayer, B.G. Willis, D.T. Zimmerman, G.J. Weisel, J.M. Chen, T.E. Sullivan and P.B. Lerner
    Proceedings of SPIE, Next Generation (Nano) Photonic and Cell Technologies for Solar Energy Conversion IV, edited by O.V. Sulima and G. Conibeer (SPIE, 2013), vol. 8824, p. 88240P-1
  84. Nanoscale rectennas with sharp tips for absorption and rectification of optical radiation
    N.M. Miskovsky, P.H. Cutler, P.B. Lerner, A. Mayer, B.G. Willis, D.T. Zimmerman, G.J. Weisel and T.E. Sullivan
    Rectenna Solar Cells, edited by G. Moddel and S. Grover (Springer, New York, 2013), chap. 7, p. 135
  85. Effect of the disorder in graphene grain boundaries: a wave packet dynamics study
    P. Vancso, G.I. Mark, Ph. Lambin, A. Mayer, Y.-S. Kim, C. Hwang and L.P. Biro
    Applied Surface Science 291, 58 (2014)
  86. Tip-geometry enhanced cooling of field emission from the n-type semiconductor
    M.S. Chung, J.Y. Choi, A. Mayer, N.M. Miskovsky and P.H. Cutler
    Applied Physics Letters 104, 083502 (2014)
  87. Genetic algorithms used for the optimization of light-emitting diodes and solar thermal collectors
    A. Mayer, A. Bay, L. Gaouyat, D. Nicolay, T. Carletti and O. Deparis
    Proceedings of SPIE, The Nature of Light: Light in Nature V, edited by R. Liang and J.A. Shaw (SPIE, 2014), vol. 3987, p. 918705-01
    Press release: Nature's designs inspire research into new light-based technologies, by SPIE Fellows Joe Shaw and Rongguang Liang
  88. Light extraction enhancement for light-emitting diodes: a firefly-inspired structure refined by the genetic algorithm
    A. Bay and A. Mayer
    Proceedings of SPIE, The Nature of Light: Light in Nature V, edited by R. Liang and J.A. Shaw (SPIE, 2014), vol. 3987, p. 918706-01
    Press release: Photonics for a better world: Nine lessons from 'clever' nature that inspired photonics engineering, by Amy Nelson
  89. Multi-objective genetic algorithm for the optimization of a flat-plate solar thermal collector
    A. Mayer, L. Gaouyat, D. Nicolay, T. Carletti and O. Deparis
    Optics Express 22, A1641 (2014)
    Press release: Darwin au service des énergies renouvelables (Libre Cours N°93, décembre 2014, page 5)
  90. Nanophotonics for ultra-thin crystalline silicon photovoltaics: when photons (actually) meet electrons
    V. Depauw, I. Abdo, R. Boukhicha, R. Cariou, W. Chen, I. Cosme Bolanos, O. Deparis, He Ding, A. Dmitriev, E. Drouard, O. El Daif, A. Fave, M. Foldyna, E. Garcia-Caurel, B. Heidari, A. Herman, L. Lalouat, K.D. Lee, J. Liu, K. Lodewijks, F. Mandorlo, I. Massiot, A. Mayer, J. Muller, P. Narchi, R. Orobtchouk, G. Picardi, P. Prod'Homme, P. Roca i Cabarrocas, C. Seassal, C. Trompoukis, I. Gordon and J. Poortmans
    EU PVSEC Proceedings 29, 1461 (2014)
    Proceedings of the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
  91. Photonic nanostructures for advanced light trapping in thin crystalline silicon solar cells
    C. Trompoukis, I. Abdo, R. Cariou, O. Deparis, V. Depauw, V. Dmitriev, E. Drouard, O. El Daif, M. Foldyna, E. Garcia-Caurel, B. Heidari, A. Herman, L. Lalouat, K.D. Lee, J. Liu, K. Lodewijks, F. Mandorlo, I. Massiot, A. Mayer, V. Mijkovic, J. Muller, R. Orobtchouk, P. Prod'Homme, P. Roca i Cabarrocas, C. Seassal, I. Gordon, R. Mertens and J. Poortmans
    Physica Status Solidi A 212, 140 (2015)
  92. Optimization by a genetic algorithm of the light-extraction efficiency of a GaN light-emitting diode
    A. Mayer and A. Bay
    Journal of Optics 17, 025002 (2015)
    Press release: Fireflies, genetics and gallium nitride light-emitting diodes, by Mike Cooke
    Press release: Where Life Meets Light: Bio-Inspired Photonics, by Valerie C. Coffey
    Press release: Biomimétisme lumineux (FNRS-News N°101, juin 2015, page 4)
    Press release: Des algorithmes génétiques boostent l'efficacité des ampoules LED (Nouvelles UNamur, août 2015)
    Press release: Plus de lumière grâce aux lucioles, par Rémy Bersipont (L'Avenir, 28 août 2015, page 4)
    Press release: Une luciole dans chaque ampoule LED, par Adrien Dewez (Dailyscience.be, 11 septembre 2015)
    Press release: Imiter la Nature pour booster l'efficacité des ampoules LED (Libre Cours N°96, septembre 2015, page 4)
  93. A fair comparison between ultrathin crystalline-silicon solar cells with either periodic or correlated disorder inverted pyramid textures
    J. Muller, A. Herman, A. Mayer and O. Deparis
    Optics Express 23, A657 (2015)
  94. Optimized absorption of solar radiations in nano-structured thin films of crystalline silicon via a genetic algorithm
    A. Mayer, J. Muller, A. Herman and O. Deparis
    Proceedings of SPIE, Active Photonic Materials VII, edited by G.S. Subramania and S. Foteinopoulou (SPIE, 2015), vol. 9546, p. 95461N-01
  95. A Genetic Algorithm with randomly shifted Gray codes and local optimizations based on quadratic approximations of the fitness
    A. Mayer
    Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '17), edited by Gabriela Ochoa (ACM, New York, 2017), p. 195
  96. Genetic Algorithms: an evolutionary approach to optical engineering
    A. Mayer
    Vietnam Journal of Science & Technology 55, 9 (2017)
  97. Comment: "Generalized Formula for the Electric Tunnel Effect between Similar Electrodes Separated by a Thin Insulating Film" [J. Appl. Phys. 34, 1793 (1963)]
    N. Matthews, M.J. Hagmann and A. Mayer
    Journal of Applied Physics 123, 136101 (2018)
  98. UV to near-infrared broadband pyramidal absorbers via a genetic algorithm optimization approach
    A. Mayer and M. Lobet
    Proceedings of SPIE, Metamaterials XI, edited by A.D. Boardman, A.V. Zayats and K.F. MacDonald (SPIE, 2018), vol. 10671, p. 1067127-1
  99. A genetic algorithm for addressing computationally expensive optimization problems in optical engineering
    A. Mayer and M. Lobet
    Jordan Journal of Physics 12, 17 (2019)
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  100. Numerical testing by a transfer-matrix technique of Simmons' equation for the local current density in metal-vacuum-metal junctions
    A. Mayer, M.S. Mousa, M.J. Hagmann and R.G. Forbes
    Jordan Journal of Physics 12, 63 (2019)
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  101. Light scattering spectroscopy combined with Principal Component Analysis for animal species identification in historical parchments
    A.M.F. Alvarez, A. Mayer and O. Deparis
    Proceedings of OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, NoT2B.4 (2019)
    OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Burlingame, CA, 29 July-1 August 2019
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  102. Band-structure and electronic transport calculations in cylindrical wires : the issue of bound states in transfer-matrix calculations
    A. Mayer
    arXiv, 1907.06940 (2019)
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  103. Optimization by a genetic algorithm of pyramidal structures made of one, two or three stacks of metal/dielectric layers for a quasi-perfect broadband absorption of UV to near-infrared radiations
    A. Mayer, S. Griesse-Nascimento, H. Bi, E. Mazur and M. Lobet
    Proceedings of SPIE, Metamaterials XII, edited by K.F. MacDonald, I. Staude and A.V. Zayats (SPIE, 2020), vol. 11344, p. 113441L-1
    Conference proceedings of the SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum, which was held online during the coronavirus outbreak in April 2020
  104. Opal-like photonic structuring of perovskite solar cells using a genetic algorithm approach
    M. Lobet, A. Mayer, A. Maho, P. Piron, J. Dewalque, C. Henrist and J. Loicq
    Applied Sciences 10, 1783 (2020)
    Special issue "State of the Art of Nanosciences in Belgium"
  105. Application of a genetic algorithm in four-terminal perovskite/crystalline-silicon tandem devices
    A. Razzaq, A. Mayer, V. Depauw, I. Gordon, A.T. Hajjiah and J. Poortmans
    IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10, 1689 (2020)
    Press release: Améliorer le rendement des cellules photovoltaïques grâce aux algorithmes génétiques (Nouvelles UNamur for Climate, avril 2019)
    Press release: Publication scientifique sur l'optimisation par algorithme génétique de cellules photovoltaïques (Nouvelles UNamur, 22 octobre 2020)
  106. Accelerating t-SNE using Fast Fourier Transforms and the Particle-Mesh algorithm from physics
    V. Delchevalerie, A. Mayer, A. Bibal and B. Frenay
    International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1 (2021)
  107. Settup of fuzzy hybrid particule swarms : a heuristic approach
    N. Roy, Ch. Beauthier, T. Carletti and A. Mayer
    Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '21), edited by Francisco Chicano (ACM, New York, 2021), p. 207
  108. Wave packet dynamical simulation of quasiparticle interferences in 2D materials
    P. Vancso, A. Mayer, P. Nemes-Incze and G.I. Mark
    Applied Sciences 11, 4730 (2021)
    Special issue "2D Materials"
  109. Achieving rotational invariance with Bessel-Convolutional Neural Networks
    V. Delchevalerie, A. Bibal, B. Frenay and A. Mayer
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 28772 (2021)
    Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)
    Supplementary Material: get supplementary material
  110. Genetic-algorithm-aided ultra-broadband perfect absorbers using plasmonic metamaterials
    A. Mayer, H. Bi, S. Griesse-Nascimento, B. Hackens, J. Loicq, E. Mazur, O. Deparis and M. Lobet
    Optics Express 30, 1167 (2022)
    Press Release: Genetic Algorithm for Ultra-Broadband Absorbers (naXys Newsletter, January 2022)
    Press Release: Better photonics with machine learning (EuroCC Stories, 24 January 2023)
    Supplementary Material: get supplementary material
  111. Setup of a new Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
    N. Roy, Ch. Beauthier and A. Mayer
    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1 (2022)
  112. Inverse opal photonic nanostructures for enhanced light harvesting in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells
    N. Daem, A. Mayer, G. Spronck, P. Colson, J. Loicq, C. Henrist, R. Cloots, A. Maho, M. Lobet and J. Dewalque
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, 13583 (2022)
  113. A comparison of preservation metrics expressing mechanical, chemical and biological damages
    A. Cosaert, R. Gerard, A. Mayer and O. Deparis
    ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, edited by J. Bridgland (International Council of Museums, Paris, 2023), p. 1406
    Working Towards a Sustainable Past, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023
  114. New local pseudopotential for multilayer carbon materials
    G.I. Mark, P. Vancso and A. Mayer
    Carbon Trends 13, 100310 (2023)
    YouTube: New local pseudopotential for multilayer carbon materials
    YouTube: Modeling multilayer graphene with coupled pendulums
  115. A new method for the discovery of distant exoplanets
    P.B. Lerner, A. Mayer and T.E. Sullivan
    Proceedings of SPIE, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets XI, edited by Garreth J. Ruane (SPIE, 2023), vol. 12680, p. 126802M
  116. Hyperparameter control using fuzzy logic : evolving policies for an Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
    N. Roy, Ch. Beauthier and A. Mayer
    Evolutionary Computation, in press (2024)
  117. SO(2) and O(2) equivariance in image recognition with Bessel-Convolutional Neural Networks
    V. Delchevalerie, A. Mayer, A. Bibal and B. Frenay
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research, submitted for publication (2024)
  118. Interferometric determination for cosmological and stellar phenomena
    P.B. Lerner, P.H. Cutler, N.M. Miskovsky, T.E. Sullivan and A. Mayer
    Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 13, 2540001 (2024)
  119. Photonic structures optimization using highly data-efficient deep learning: application to nanofins and annular groove phase masks
    N. Roy, L. Konig, O. Absil, Ch. Beauthier, A. Mayer and M. Lobet
    Physical Review A 109, 013514 (2024)
  120. Optimization by a genetic algorithm of nanopyramidal broadband quasi-perfect absorbers with deeper insight into the stability of optimal solutions
    A. Mayer, O. Deparis and M. Lobet
    Proceedings of SPIE, Machine Learning in Photonics, edited by F. Ferranti, M.K. Hedayati and A. Fratalocchi (SPIE, 2024), vol. 13017, p. 1301714
  121. Animal species identification in historical parchments by CWT-CNN classifier applied to UV-Visible-NIR spectroscopic data
    N. Roy, H. Pierard, J. Bouhy, A. Mayer, O. Deparis and D. Gravis
    Intelligent Computing 3, 0101 (2024)
  122. From three to two dimensions: 2D quaternion convolutions for 3D images
    V. Delchevalerie, B. Frenay and A. Mayer
    Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), in press (2024)
  123. A new method for the discovery of the distant exoplanets
    P.B. Lerner and A. Mayer
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, submitted for publication (2024)
  124. Alienomics: an integrated tool to annotate HGTs and detect contaminants in genome assemblies
    J. Narayan, P. Simion, A. Houtain, A. Mayer and K. Van Doninck
    Science Advances, in preparation (2024)

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