On the 2-Condition Number of Infinite Hankel Matrices of Finite Rank F. S. V. Bazan and Ph. L. Toint Report 98/10 Let H be an infinite Hankel matrix whose (i,j)-entry is h_{i+j-2}, where {h_k}_{k=0}^{\infty} denotes a complex-valued sampled signal: h_k = \sum_{l=1}^{n} r_l\,z_l^{k}$, $\;|z_l|< 1. Then H has rank n and can be factorized as H = WRW^T, where W is an infinite Vandermonde matrix in \C^{\infty\times n} with z_{i}^{j-1} as its (i,j)-entry and R a diagonal matrix containing the weights r_l. We derive upper bounds for the 2-condition number of H as functions of n, r_l and z_l, which show that this condition number is small whenever the z's are close to the unit circle but not extremely close to each other. An application in problems related to exponential modeling and system identification is presented and discussed.