An introduction to the Standard Data Input Format (SIF) for nonlinear mathematical programming problems A.R. Conn, Nick Gould and Ph.L. Toint Report 91/08 If you read this line, this is probably because you are interested in solving some optimization problem(s), and that you hope that the LANCELOT package might help you. The purpose of this report is to help this hope materialize: starting from simple examples, we intend to tell you - how to specify the problem you are interested in, - how to use LANCELOT to solve it. We will do both at once, because this process is actually quite simple. Of course, specifying a problem and solving it are formally two different tasks, each requiring a different set of tools. This will force us to distinguish these tasks in our examples as well, but we will always try to remember that specifying the problem is only a step towards its practical solution. The general approach that we intend to use throughout this report is to learn some basic problem specification techniques first and to see how to solve the resulting simple problems, gradually building on these to tackle more and more complex cases. This text is therefore a learning tool, and should not be considered as a reference guide. Such a reference text is presented in the LANCELOT manual.