Estimating mixed logit with non-parametric random variables F. Bastin, C. Cirillo and Ph. L. Toint Report 06/05 The estimation of random parameters by means of mixed logit models is becoming current practice amongst discrete choice analysts, one of the most straightforward applications being the derivation of willingness to pay distribution over an heterogeneous population. In many practical cases, parametric distributions are a priori specified and the parameters for these distributions are estimated. This approach can however lead to many practical problems. Firstly, it is difficult to assess which is the more appropriate analytical distribution. Secondly, unboundd distributions often produce value ranges with difficult behavioural interpretation. Thirdly, littel is known about the tails and their effetcts on the meanb of the estimates (Hess et. al. 2005, Cirillo and Axhausen, 2006). The paper extends the nonparametric methods in a classical context of mixed logit models. The random variables of the objective functions are assumed to be continuous, bounded and independent, and we are interested by the inverse distribution functions. These functions are modeled by means of cubic B-splines with strictly increasing base coesfficients, a sufficient condition to construct monotonic (increasing) functions. As a result, the number of parameters that have to be estimated increases; the information on the tails and on the shape of the random variables however should help the analyst to find the right parametric distribution for the random parameters (iy it exists). The technique is applied to simulated data and the ability to recover both parametric and nonparametric random vectors is tested. The nonparametric mixed logit model is also used on real data derived froma survey on electric car, whose prototype has been realized and tested in a number of cities in Europe. The data set, which is part of a European study called "Cybercar" is a stated preference experiment conducted in Brussels in 2002. The model presents multiple choices and is estimated on repeated observations.