Estimating Mixed Logit Models with Quasi-Monte-Carlo Sequences Allowing Practical Error Estimation F. Bastin, C. Cirillo, Ph. L. Toint Report TR2004/11 Mixed Multinomial Logit Models (MMNL) are now a popular and efficient framework in discrete choice theory. However, it is well known that the numerical cost associated to the evaluation of multidimensional integrals in MMNL models remains high even if Monte Carlo (MC) or quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) techniques are used instead of classical quadrature methods, while no analytical solution can be found. Our current approach, developed in the context of modern trust-region optimization techniques at FUNDP (Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix), uses statistical inference of Monte-Carlo approximations to speed up computations. We have shown that numerical efficiency is considerably increased by the exploitation of new results on the accuracy and bias estimates relative to the objective function. The crucial ingredient of our algorithm is that, at each iteration, we are able to use only a subset of the random draws, whose size is adapted from iteration to iteration. Convergence of the algorithm has been also demonstrated, towards points satisfying first- and second-order optimality conditions (Bastin et al., 2004b). The methodolgy has been successfully applied to both simulated and real data sets. The results, even on large-scale model estimation, show that the proposed optimization algorithm is competitive with existing tools, including softwares based on quasi-Monte Carlo techniques using Halton sequences. In this paper, we propose to extend our study and to compare our variable sample size Monte Carlo algorithm with randomized quasi-Monte Carlo sequences. We use Sobol sequences, that are expected to perform better than Halton ones, as suggested by Garrido (2003). There are different ways to randomize quasi-random sequences; some of them have been already explored by the transportation community. Bhat (2003) has suggested that scrambled Halton sequences avoid the problem of poor coverage of the integration domain in high dimensions, and has used random shifts to evaluate the quality of the sequences in the context of MMNL estimation. Hess et al. (2003) have proposed the use of randomly shifted and shuffled uniform vectors and have reported better performances. Garrido (2003) has also proposed to use Owen scrambling technique for Sobol sequence. Since the sequences used in QMC approaches are deterministic, it is not possible to use the classical analytical tools for error estimation as we have done in the MC variable sample size strategy by using the delta method. It is, therefore, desirable to develop techniques, which combine the potential higher accuracy of QMC approximation with the practical error estimation ability of MC methods. By introducing some randomness in low discrepancy sequences, one can use statistical methods for error analysis. Our objective is to investigate how those techniques can be applied in the mixed logit model estimation. In particular, we are interested in seeing how randomized QMC sequences can reduce the variance in comparison with MC methods and how they can improve the performance of the original deterministic sequences, in combination with the variable sample size strategy. We will apply the methodologies on both simulated and real data sets. In particular our real case study is a mode choice model based on stated preference data, collected in 2003 in the Walloon Region (Belgium).