A model of weekly labor participation for a Belgian synthetic population Cinzia Cirillo, Eric Cornelis and Philippe L. Toint Report naXys-09-2011 This paper presents a model of labor participation calibrated on a weekly basis; part-time and full-time employments are also considered. By applying the theory of random utility maximization we model households’ choices. In order to have a good temporal and spatial coverage the model is calibrated on three datasets, extracted from both national and regional travel surveys. The results are applied to synthetic households that reproduce the Belgian population. The proposed innovative methodology simulates synthetic agents by accounting both for households’ and individuals’ characteristics, while not suffering from the problem of the "zero cell value". The results indicate that there is major day-to-day variability in working activity participation; in particular, on Wednesdays and Fridays the number of households working part-time or not working is particularly high. This is consistent with what was expected by the analysts. Working participation is a fundamental component in activity based models where work is considered a skeletal activity. The tools developed here can be useful to study how changes in population characteristics (i.e. increases of flexible working arrangements and of the number of women in the work force) affect activity participation and travel patterns.