
SK9704 is a queen of Skärva depå (SE) mated in 1997, descendant F7 of 344-13. She is a Buckfast who comes from a line of race of unknown origin.

  SK9704 =   .97 – SK95315 asp KH9323  :   .95 – KH9323 has RK9005  :  
        .93 – KH9059 ins B-342  :   .90 – KH8719 has EK8602  :  
        .87 – UG8537 asp B-121  :   .85 – 344-2 ins 344-56  :  
        .83 – 344-102 has LH711  :   .80 – 344-13 has 344-10 
  (no more data)
  Pedigree of SK9704 :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queens without information :
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
(-) (BA):Brother Adam †1996 (Karl Kehrle Foundation)
.. :???
EK (EKS):Eivon Karlsson (SE)
KÅH (KAH):Kjell Hallberg (SE)
LH (LHJ):Leif Hjalmarsson (SE)
RK (RuK):Rune Karlsson (SE)
SK :Skärva depå (SE)
UG :Ulf Gröhn † 27.01.2012 (SE)
Races — Do use them
Mating Places, etc
asp :Aspö island (SE)
has :Hasslö island (SE)
ins :Instrumental insemination
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