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JMN037 is a queen of Jens Martin Nybøle & Knut Grønli (NO) mated in 2009, descendant F19 of Sinop72R. She is a “Old Buckfast” who comes from a long strain of pure anatolica-combination.

  JMN037 =   .09 – JMN077 stgb JMN029  :   .05 – JMN215 stgb JMN073  :  
        .03 – JMN205 hof WM030(NBK002)  :   .01 – PS517 ivq × nmrk BE030  :  
        .99 – PS028 tun KB430  :   .97 – PS623 tun PS554  :  
        .95 – KB348 tun KB202  :   .92 – KB126 nex KB131  :  
        .89 – KB131 nex HR136  :   .87 – 02116 sjr 01130  :  
        .86 – S-182a × S-182  :   .85 – S-182 asp B-379  :  
        .85 – S-182 asp B-379  :  imq .82 – B-135 shr B-132  :  
        .79 – B-391 shr B-292  :   .77 –  A-361 shr B-366  :  
        .74 – A-448 shr E-293  :   .73 – A-441 ins A-25  :  
        .72 – A-25 nat B-xx72  :  imq .72 – Sinop72R × SinopM 
  (pure anatolica)
    Pedigree of JMN037 :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queen from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Her population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
(-) (BA):Brother Adam †1996 (Karl Kehrle Foundation)
EP (01):Erik Petersen (DK)
KJ (02):Knud Jørgensen (DK)
AK (AKS):Ansgar Kristian Stigen (NO)
BE (BEN):Bjørn Engen (NO)
HR :Hans Røy (DK)
MN (JMN):Jens Martin Nybøle & Knut Grønli (NO)
JN :Jan Lars Nesje (NO)
KÅH (KAH):Kjell Hallberg (SE)
KB :Keld Brandstrup (DK)
MG (MGd):Michael John Gibbard (NO)
NBK :Nils-Berthel Kvinge (NO)
OH (OHT):Odd Harald Tønnessen (NO)
PS :Poul Erik Sørensen †2012(57) (DK)
SE :Simen Eriksen (NO)
SK :Skärva depot (SE)
S- (SO):Swedish original (SE)
UG :Ulf Gröhn †2012 (SE)
Races — Do use them
E:lamarckii (Egyptian)
Importation mode
imq :Laying queen imported
ivq :Virgin queen imported
Mating Places, etc
alr :Alrø island, Odder (DK)
armk :Aremark (NO)
asp :Aspö island (SE)
flo :Flo-Stryn (NO)
hof :Hof (NO)
injk :Instrumental insemination (GB)
nat :Free mated at random
nex :Nekselø island (DK)
nmrk :Butleren (NO)
shr :Sherberton (Dartmoor, GB)
sjr :Sejerø island (DK)
slvg :Solvang (NO)
stgb :Stangebråten (NO)
tun :Tunø island (DK)
veln :Velen (NO)
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Property and responsability for these data: Jens Martin Nybøle & Knut Grønli (NO)
Design and realization : Jean-Marie Van Dyck - Jemeppe-sur-Sambre Belgium
Copyright Karl Kehrle Fondation © 2003-2024 — All Rights Reserved
Last update : Sunday 15 March 2020
The Pedigree's pictures are obtained with a Pascal program and NIH Image.
Each adding, corrections and comments are welcome to

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