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IN122 is a queen of Ivan B. Nielsen (DK) mated in 2008, descendant F4 of Ren. She results in a new line of caucasica (German origin)-combination.

  IN122 =   .08 – IN004 alr ST343  :   .05 – IN025 alr PS017  :  
        .03 –  SS227 alr ST369  :   .02 – Kauka(IN) alr PS719  :  
       imq .02 – Ren × Kaukaser      (caucasica (German origin))
    Pedigree of IN122 :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  

Evaluation of IN122 done in 2009 & 2010 & 2011

Eval. Swarming Temper Calm Honey crop Nosema Hygienic
year tend­ency of bees behav­iour value kg/mean value Msp./bee value % after 48h
2009 5 5 4 4 112/87 5 0.0 5 100%
2010 5 5 4.7 3 125/117 5 0.0 5 100%
2011 5 5 4.5 - 53 kg nucleus 5 0.0 5 100%
Evaluation scale:   from 1 to 5.  1 = very bad.  3 = average.  4 = good average.
5 = great performance. According some Scandinavian rules (more (DK))"
Color code and Abbreviations
Queen from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Her population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
IN :Ivan B. Nielsen (DK)
PS :Poul Erik Sørensen †2012(57) (DK)
SS :Svend Sejr (DK)
ST :Peter Stougård (DK)
Races — Do use them
Importation mode
imq :Laying queen imported
Mating Places, etc
alr :Alrø island, Odder (DK)
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