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B84(BMV) is a queen of Benoît Milhau Le Viverdier (FR) mated in 2016, descendant G11 of Athos00R. She is a Buckfast who comes from a line of pure macedonica Athos-combination well established.

  B84(BMV) =   .16 –  B89b(AB) imc × ins B19r(AB)    [3 dr.c.] :   .15 – B38r(AB) mrk GR53(MKK)    [30 dr.c.] :  
        .13 –  V97j(AB) aml Ca150(AM)    [16 dr.c.] :  iiq .12 –  V82(RL) ins B320(JAF)    [4 dr.c.] :  
        .12 –  B45(RL) ins × isp capVSH-1A    :   .11 –  T8(RL) ins B40(RL)    [6 dr.c.] :  
        .09 –  T29(RL) ins A31(RL)    [3 dr.c.] :   .07 – T247(PJ) ilv × ins B93(TR)    [some dr.c.] :  
       itq .05 –  T202(PJ) ins B158(PJ)    [10 dr.c.] :   .03 –  T419(AB) imc × ins B214(PJ)    [9 dr.c.] :  
       imq .02 – KB419 nex KB068    [12 dr.c.] :  imq .00 – Athos00R × AthosM 
  (pure macedonica Athos)
    Pedigree of B84(BMV) :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
AB (ABx):André Bosseaux (BE)
AM :Teeltstation Ameland
BDK :Bob Danka (US)
BMV :Benoît Milhau Le Viverdier (FR)
CS :Christian Salau (DE)
CW (CWa):Christian Wagner (LU)
JAF :José Artus (BE)
KB :Keld Brandstrup (DK)
MKK :Pierre de Koning (NL)
PJ :Paul Jungels (LU)
PS :Poul Erik Sørensen †2012(57) (DK)
RL :Renaud Lavend'Homme (BE)
ST :Peter Stougård (DK)
TR :Thomas Rueppel (DE)
Races — Do use them
T:macedonica Athos
V:VSH purpose
Importation mode
iiq :Inseminated queen imported
ilv :Grafted larvae imported
imc :Mature queen cell imported
imq :Laying queen imported
isp :Drones sperm imported
itq :Tested queen imported
Mating Places, etc
alr :Alrø island, Odder (DK)
aml :Ameland island (NL – Friesland)
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
iblc :Instrumental insemination (BE)
ibra :Instrumental insemination (LU)
inpj :Instrumental insemination (LU)
inpm :Instrumental insemination (BE)
ins :Instrumental insemination
irjb :Instrumental insemination (BE)
iwjb :Instrumental insemination (BE)
mrk :Marken peninsula (NL)
nex :Nekselø island (DK)
tun :Tunø island (DK)
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