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B653(VK) is a queen of Valery Kupriyanov mated in 2018, descendant G13 of Kangaroo98R. She is a Buckfast who comes from a line of very pure ligurica (imp. Peter Davis, Kang. Island)-combination well established.

  B653(VK) =  iiq .18 – B653(vdB) ins B622(vdB)    :   .16 –  B172(vdB) mrk B59(MKN)    [28 dr.c.] :  
       imq .14 – B69(TR) ins EL685(JBB)    [1 dr.c.] :   .13 – B63(TR) mrk B129(TR)    [24 dr.c.] :  
       imq .12 – B137(TR) bal B72(TR)    [24 dr.c.] :   .11 – B55(TR) bal GR109(TR)    [24 dr.c.] :  
        .09 – B98(TR) mrk B171(TR)    [18 dr.c.] :   .08 –  B202(TR) bal B110(TR)    [15 dr.c.] :  
       imq .06 –  L244(AM) aml B25(CS)    [15 dr.c.] :   .05 –  L55(AM) bal NO61(TR)    [19 dr.c.] :  
        .03 –  L173(AM) aml UG99570    [10 dr.c.] :   .02 – L31(AM) aml A85(AM)    [11 dr.c.] :  
        .01 – LSA10(AM) ins LSA10(AM)    :   .98 – Kangaroo98R × KangarooM 
  (very pure ligurica (imp. Peter Davis, Kang. Island))
    Pedigree of B653(VK) :
four generations presented
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Color code and Abbreviations
Queen without information : B622(vdB)B622(vdB)
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones, Aunt-Nephews, are F1  this is a real Mendelian F1 cross.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
AMTB (AM):Ameland Island matingstation
CS :Christian Salau (DE)
JBB :Jürgen Brauße (DE)
MKN :Foundation Buckfast Marken (NL)
TR :Thomas Rueppel (DE)
UG :Ulf Gröhn †2012 (SE)
VK :Valery Kupriyanov
vdB :Johann & Iris van den Bongard (DE)
Races — Do use them
MG:Margret's hive No 5
O:(EL) monticola Elgon
Importation mode
iiq :Inseminated queen imported
imq :Laying queen imported
Mating Places, etc
aml :Ameland island (NL – Friesland)
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
injb :Instrumental insemination (DE)
ins :Instrumental insemination
ivdb :Instrumental insemination (DE)
mrk :Marken peninsula (NL)
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