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B391(BB) is a queen of Imkerei Bernd Brix (DE) mated in 2011, descendant F9 of B391(NE). She is a Buckfast who comes from a line of race of unknown origin.

  B391(BB) =  imq .11 – B391(NE) val B100(NE)  :   .09 – B391(NE) nst B384(NE)  :  
        .07 – B391(NE) val B434(NE)  :   .05 – B391(NE) nst B238(NE)  :  
        .04 – B391(NE) nst B374(NE)  :   .03 – B391(NE) val B225(NE)  :  
        .01 – B391(NE) nst B129(NE)  :   .00 – B391(NE) nst B262(NE)  :  
        .99 – B391(NE) nst B434(NE)  :   .96 – B391(NE) nst B387j(NE) 
  (no more data)
    Pedigree of B391(BB) :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queens without information : C100(NE) B374(NE) B314(NE) B434(NE)
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
BB :Imkerei Bernd Brix (DE)
NE :Eugen Neuhauser (AT)
Races — Do use them
Importation mode
imq :Laying queen imported
Mating Places, etc
nst :Nest mountain (AT)
val :Valors mountain (AT)
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