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B21(MM) is a queen of Magnus Menges (DE) mated in 2010, descendant F19 of Sinop72R. She is a “Old Buckfast” who comes from a long strain of pure anatolica.

  B21(MM) =   .10 – B14(MM) mrk B179(TR)  :   .08 – B21(AH) ivq × aml B89(AM)  :  
        .04 – B50(IC) ivq × ins B80(AH)  :   .01 – B213(TR) ivq × ins B250(GB)  :  
        .99 – B95(TR) aml B175(TR)  :   .96 – B20(TR) lgn B169(TR)  :  
        .94 – B88(TR) lgn A224(PJ)  :   .93 – B172(TR) lgn B13(TR)  :  
        .92 – B51(TR) ins B72(TR)  :   .90 – B68(TR) ins BO288(TR)  :  
       imq .88 – BO214(MS) ins B298(GC)  :  imq .87 – B-214 shr B-121  :  
        .84 – B-182 shr T-301  :   .82 – B-135 shr B-132  :  
        .79 – B-391 shr B-292  :   .77 –  A-361 shr B-366  :  
        .74 – A-448 shr E-293  :   .73 – A-441 ins A-25  :  
        .72 – A-25 nat B-xx72  :  imq .72 – Sinop72R × SinopM 
  (pure anatolica)
  Pedigree of B21(MM) :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  

Evaluation of B21(MM) done in 2011

Vitality of Temper Swar­ming Fecon- Crop Over­win- Building Varroa HYG+
bees brood of bees tend­ency dity Early Summ. tering Combs Propol. num­ber VSH+ HYG+
6 5 5 6 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 - -
Evaluation scale:   from 1 to 6.  1 = very bad.  3 = bad average.  4 = good average.
5 = great performance.  6 = optimum looked for in this feature. [  more ]
Color code and Abbreviations
Queen without information : B298(GC)
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
(-) (BA):Brother Adam †1996 (Karl Kehrle Foundation)
AH :Heike Aumeier (DE)
AM :Teeltstation Ameland Island mating station
Marcel van der Meide & Geert van Eizenga
CS :Christian Salau (DE)
GB :Günter Behrens †2012 (DE)
IC :Bioland Imkerei Ivan Curić (DE)
MM :Magnus Menges (DE)
MS :Michael Schell (DE)
PJ :Paul Jungels (LU)
PN :Horst Preissl &   Johannes Neuburger (AT)
TR :Thomas Rueppel (DE)
Races — Do use them
E:lamarckii (Egyptian)
I:meda (Iranian)
MG:Margret's hive No 5
T:macedonica Athos
Importation mode
imq :Laying queen imported
ivq :Virgin queen imported
Mating Places, etc
aml :Ameland island (NL – Friesland)
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
hbpn :Preissl–Neuburger mountain (AT)
iby1 :Instrumental insemination (DE)
inhj :Instrumental insemination
injk :Instrumental insemination (GB)
ins :Instrumental insemination
lgn :Langeneß island (DE – Wattenmeer)
lthl :Lautenthal (Harz, DE)
mrk :Marken peninsula (NL)
nat :Free mated at random
shr :Sherberton (Dartmoor, GB)
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Property and responsability for these data: Magnus Menges (DE)
Design and realization : Jean-Marie Van Dyck - Jemeppe-sur-Sambre Belgium
Copyright Karl Kehrle Fondation © 2003-2025 — All Rights Reserved
Last update : Sunday 15 March 2020
The Pedigree's pictures are obtained with a Pascal program and NIH Image.
Each adding, corrections and comments are welcome to

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