
B-336 is a queen of Brother Adam †1996 (O.S.B. - O.B.E.) mated in 1932, descendant F6 of B-xx17. She is a Buckfast who comes from a line of primitive buckfast.

  B-336 =   .32 – B-145 shr B-299  :   .31 – B-299 shr B-278  :  
        .28 – B-278 shr B-41  :   .25 – B-4 shr B-2  :  
        .24 – B-2 nat B-xx24  :   .20 – B-1 nat B-xx20  :  
    .19 – B-xx17 × B-xx19 
  (primitive buckfast)
  Pedigree of B-336 :
four generations presented  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
Only breeder
(-) (BA):Brother Adam †1996 (Karl Kehrle Foundation)
Races — Do use them
Mating Places, etc
nat :Free mated at random
shr :Sherberton (Dartmoor, GB)
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