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A432(DS) is a queen of Daniel Schuster (LU) mated in 2015, descendant G4 of Aglasun09-6Q. She results in a new line of original Alis Sword bee-combination.

  A432(DS) =   .15 – A24(DS) nat Bxx15(DS)    :   .12 –  AS54(DS) ins B141(DS)    [2 dr.c.] :  
        .11 – AS02(CW) ieg × ins B246(DS)    [8 dr.c.] :   .10 – AS6(BG) nat Bmixx10(CW)    :  
       itq .09 – Aglasun09-6Q × AglasunDr      (original Alis Sword bee)
    Pedigree of A432(DS) :
four generations presented<br />it's temporarily unavailable, sorry!  
  Unauthorized reproduction of this picture, whole or part, is forbidden, except for personal use.  
Color code and Abbreviations
Queen from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Her population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones, Aunt-Nephews, are F1  this is a real Mendelian F1 cross.
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
BG :Gilbert Bast (DE)
CW (CWa):Christian Wagner (LU)
DS :Daniel Schuster (LU)
Races — Do use them
AS:Alis Sword bee, South Turkey nomade
Importation mode
ieg :Eggs imported (brood comb)
itq :Tested queen imported
Mating Places, etc
inds :Instrumental insemination (LU)
nat :Free mated at random
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