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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrlé Breeder code     SD 
Vivian Stølen & Jakob Dikkanen
Opplandsveien 425
NO-4886 - Grimstad
Tel: +47/3704 5126

— Pedigree Season 1997 —

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[ 1993 ] [ 1997 ]
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Buckfast Breeder No

AG105 =   .95 – AG315 tun KB202  :   .93 – AG394 tun SS217  :  
    .91 – AG237 tun H8852  :  imq .89 – HR152 tun HC135   etc... 
Eggs imported (brood comb), Anders Glob (DK).
AG237 =   .95 – AG211 tun KB202  :   .93 – AG119 tun SS217 
  (no more data)
Eggs imported (brood comb), Anders Glob (DK).
SD9522 =   .95 – UG94302 ilv × moi SD9032 
  (no more data)
SD9562 =   .95 – HN9401 ilv × drgd SD9004 
  (no more data)
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Drones, Moi mating station (Setesdal, NO) , supplied by daughters of ...

HK426 =   .93 – KB426 ieg × moi SD8999  :   .91 – A-161 ieg × nex KB131  :  
    .89 –  A-620 shr A-322  :   .88 – A-21 shr B-137   etc... 
Supplied drones by 9 sister colonies.
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

  ... used as below

× HK426 : The four lines.

Color code and Abbreviations

Queens without information : AG119 UG94302 HN9401
Queen from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Her population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
--- Breeders ---
(-):Brother Adam †1996 (Karl Kehrle Foundation)
AG:Anders Glob (DK)
D-:Danisch original (import from Buckfast Abbey) (DK)
HC:Hermann Christensen (DK)
HK:Harald Knutsen (NO)
HR:Hans Røy (DK)
H:Hagestad (Ulf Gröhn †2012) (SE)
KB:Keld Brandstrup (DK)
SD:Vivian Stølen & Jakob Dikkanen (NO)
SS:Svend Sejr (DK)
1× :AG119
1× :HN9401
1× :Sinop62R
1× :SinopEgg86R
1× :UG94302
Races — Do use them
--- Importation mode ---
ieg :Eggs imported (brood comb)
ilv :Grafted larvae imported
imq :Laying queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
drgd :Drangedal (NO)
injk :Instrumental insemination (GB)
moi :Moi (Setesdal, NO)
nex :Nekselø island (DK)
shr :Sherberton (Dartmoor, GB)
tun :Tunø island (DK)
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