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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrle Breeder code     RS 
Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz
Staudacher Straße  2
DE-83250 - Marquartstein
Tel: +49(0)8641 85 56

— Pedigree Season 2017 —

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let translate here



– Buckfast Breeder Nr …

B12(RS) =   .16 – B19(RS) hbg B39(RS)    [8 dr.c.] :   .14 – B1(RS) hbg B101(CHP)    [20 dr.c.] : (T)  
(6q.)   .12 – B235(PJ) hbg B7(HSB)    [20 dr.c.] :  itq .10 – B173(PJ) ins B213H(PJ)      etc… 
strong, vital, best honey yield.
B32(RS) =   .16 – B32(RS) hbg B39(RS)    [8 dr.c.] :   .14 – B148(RS) hbg B101(CHP)    [20 dr.c.] : (A)  
(6q.)   .11 –  B48(RS) nat Bxx11(RS)    :   .10 – B48(RS) hbg EL74(KK)    [22 dr.c.]   etc… 
more honey, less swarms.
B252H(FF) =  imq .15 – B116(FF) hbff B152(FF)gpp    [14 dr.c.] :   .13 – B383(FF) hbff A144(FF)    [16 dr.c.] : (B)  
(15q.)   .11 – B513(FF) hbff B58(FF)    [16 dr.c.] :   .09 – B109(FF) hbff Bmix09(FF)    [26 dr.c.]   etc… 
drone line for "hbg" in 2018.
B1007(RS) =  imq .17 – buckfast × not registered      (Keld Brandstrup breeding)
(10q.) nice fecondity and comb building.
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– (EL) monticola Elgon Breeder Nr …

EL290(EO) =  imq .16 – elgon breed × not registered      (no more data)
(12q.) Virgin queen imported, Erik Österlund (SE).
EL411(EO) =  imq .16 – elgon breed × not registered      (no more data)
(12q.) Virgin queen imported, Erik Österlund (SE).
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– Drones, Hausberg mountain mating station (Bavaria, DE) , supplied by daughters  of  ...

B40(JV) =  imq .14 – B7(CHP) hbg B101(CHP)    [20 dr.c.] :   .12 – B43(CHP) hbg B7(HSB)    [20 dr.c.] : (B)  
    .10 – B108(CHP) ins B26(CS)    [5 dr.c.] :   .08 – B99(CHP) hbg B292(HSB)    [15 dr.c.]   etc… 
Supplied drones by some sister colonies, bred by Josef Vierl, Vinzenz Barthuber, Carsten Hupfer and Andreas Baerend.
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– Drones, Salzkammergut (AT) protected mountain mating place , supplied by daughters  of  ...

B15(GBR) =   .15 – B57-1(vdB-TR) ivq × att B16(MW)    [15 dr.c.] :   .11 – B57(TR) bal GR109(TR)    [24 dr.c.] : (MG)  
    .09 –  B155(TR) bal B78(TR)    [21 dr.c.] :   .07 – B110(TR) mrk B19(MKK)    [16 dr.c.]   etc… 
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

  … used as below

× B40(JV) : B12(RS), B32(RS), EL290(EO), EL411(EO).
× B57(GBR) : B252H(FF), B32(RS), B1007(RS).

Evaluation of colonies

Breeder Birth PedigreeEval. Vitality of Temper Swarm. Ferti- Crop Over­win- Building Varroa HYG+ Tester
number year of queen year bees brood of bees tend­ency lity Early Summ. tering Combs Propol. num­ber VSH+ after 24 h code
B12(RS) 16 B19(RS) × B39(RS) 2017 5 5 5 6 5 4 - 6 5 6 4 - 84 %
B32(RS) 16 B32(RS) × B39(RS) 2017 6 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 - 69 %
B252H(FF) 15 B116(FF) × B152(FF)gpp 2017 6 4 5 5 - - - - - 4 - - 100 % RS
B1007(RS) 17 see above 2017 6 5 5 - 6 - - - 6 4 - - 74 %
B40(JV) 14 B7(CHP) × B101(CHP) 2015 5 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 6 5 - - - JV
mode: evpj
Evaluation scale:   from 1 to 6.  1 = very bad.  3 = bad average.  4 = good average.
5 = great performance.  6 = optimum looked for in this feature. [  more ]

Color code and Abbreviations

Free matings at random : Bxx11(RS)
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
--- Breeders ---
CHP:Christian Peter (DE)
CS:Christian Salau (DE)
EO:Erik Österlund (SE)
FF:Klaus Fehrenbach (DE)
GBR:Günther Briendl (AT)
HSB:Hans Schweinesbein (DE)
JV:Josef Vierl (DE)
KK:Josef Koller (DE)
MKK:Pierre de Koning (NL)
MW:Marcel Weilbold (AT)
PJ:Paul Jungels (LU)
RS:Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz (DE)
TR:Thomas Rueppel (DE)
1× :AthosSt80R
1× :B262(NE)
1× :Cankiri97Q
1× :MG00R
1× :buckfast
2× :elgon breed
1× :new buckfast
Races — Do use them
MG:Margret's hive No 5
O:(EL) monticola Elgon
--- Importation mode ---
imq :Laying queen imported
itq :Tested queen imported
ivq :Unmated queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
att :Attergau (AT)
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
hbff :Fehrenbach mountain (DE)
hbg :Hausberg mountain (DE)
imsw :Instrumental insemination (DE)
inpj :Instrumental insemination (LU)
mrk :Marken peninsula (NL)
nat :Free mated at random
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