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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrlé Breeder code     RS 
Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz
Staudacher Straße  2
DE-83250 - Marquartstein
Tel: +49(0)8641 85 56
email: <post -at addr.->

— Pedigree Season 2010 —

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ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Buckfast Breeder No

B32(RS) =   .08 – B351(CS) hbg B292(HSB)  :  itq .06 – A284(PJ) lthl B6(CS)  :  
(8)   .04 – A256(PJ) ins B190(PJ)  :   .02 – A164(PJ) ins B240(PJ)   etc... 
B47(RS) =   .09 – B52(RS) hbg B351(CS)  :   .07 – B72(RS) hbg B8(TB)  :  
(8)   .06 – B126(RS) hbg Bmix06(RS)  :  imq .05 – B55(CHP) hbg B339(WP)   etc... 
B108(CHP) =   .08 – B99(CHP) hbg B292(HSB)  :   .06 – B55(CHP) bal B77(TR)  :  
(5)  imq .03 – B66(KK) hbg B137(FF)  :  imq .01 – B262(NE) ins B262(NE)   etc... 
Grafted larvae imported, Christian Peter (DE).
B120(FF) =   .07 – B465(FF) hbff B811(FF)  :   .05 – B246(FF) hbff B363(FF)  :  
(5)   .03 – B12(FF) hbff B101(FF)  :   .01 – B55(FF) hbff B78(FF)   etc... 
Tested queen imported, Franz & Klaus Fehrenbach (DE).
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Sahariensis Breeder No

S111(RS) =  imq .09 –  S532(TK) hbg B351(CS)  :   .08 – S32(TK) ins D18(TK)  :  
(12)   .07 – Erfoud07-1Q × ErfoudDr 
  (pure sahariensis, Erfoud)
Laying queen imported from Thomas Kodym (AT).
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Drones, Hausberg mountain mating station (DE) , supplied by daughters of ...

EL74(KK) =   .07 – EL54(KK) hbg B8(TB)  :   .06 – EL89(KK) hbg Bmix06(RS)  :  
    .05 –  EL89(KK) obpf pPLmix05(KK)  :  imq .03 – EL13(IK) hbg B150(AF)   etc... 
Supplied drones by 22 sister colonies, bred by Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz (DE).
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

  ... used as below

× EL74(KK) : All the lines.

Color code and Abbreviations

Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones are Aunt-Nephews : that would correspond by us to a Sister-Brothers crossing.
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
--- Breeders ---
AF:Anton Fuss (DE)
CHP:Christian Peter (DE)
CS:Christian Salau (DE)
FF:Franz & Klaus Fehrenbach (DE)
HSB:Hans Schweinesbein (DE)
IK:Imkerei Kober Thomas Kober (DE)
KK:Josef Koller (DE)
NE:Eugen Neuhauser (AT)
PJ:Paul Jungels (LU)
RS:Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz (DE)
TB:Tassilo Baumer (DE)
TK:Thomas Kodym (AT)
TR:Thomas Rueppel (DE)
WP:Wolfgang Pientka (DE)
1× :Adami75R
2× :B262(NE)
1× :Cankiri97Q
1× :EO386
1× :Erfoud07-1Q
Races — Do use them
D:cecropia macedonica
O:(EL) monticola Elgon
--- Importation mode ---
imq :Laying queen imported
itq :Tested queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
hbff :Fehrenbach mountain (DE)
hbg :Hausberg mountain (DE)
inpj :Instrumental insemination (LU)
ins :Instrumental insemination
intk :Instrumental insemination (AT)
lthl :Lautenthal (Harz, DE)
nst :Nest mountain (AT)
obpf :Oberpfalz mating station (DE)
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Property and responsability for these data: Reiner & Sylvia Schwarz
Design and realization : Jean-Marie Van Dyck - Jemeppe-sur-Sambre Belgium
Copyright Karl Kehrle Fondation © 2003-2025 — All Rights Reserved
Last update : Sunday 15 March 2020
With the help of some TCL programs on a 10757 Buckfast queens data bank.
Each adding, corrections and comments are welcome to

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