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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrle Breeder code     RN 
Ruben Neufeld
Welstroferstr.  338
DE-32657 - Lemgo
Tel: +49(0)5266 929 7201

— Pedigree Season 2018 —

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– Buckfast Breeder Nr …

B81(RN) =   .17 – B17(RN) bal B106(IC)    [22 dr.c.] :   .16 – B10(RN) bal B76(TR)    [20 dr.c.] : (T)  
(12q.)   .15 – B5(RN) aml B151(KK)    [25 dr.c.] :   .14 – B32(RN) bal B54(TR)    [22 dr.c.]   etc… 
B52(RN) =   .17 – B34(RN) aml B108(MM)    [25 dr.c.] :   .16 – B73(RN) aml B30(GV)    [25 dr.c.] : (T)  
(22q.)   .15 – B55(RN) bal B69(TR)    [20 dr.c.] :   .14 – B32(RN) mrk KB177    [30 dr.c.]   etc… 
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– Drones, Ameland island mating station, (NL – Friesland) [aml] , supplied by daughters  of  ...

B712(JtB) =   .16 – B711(vdB) aml B30(GV)    [25 dr.c.] :  imq .14 – B57(TR) bal B54(TR)    [22 dr.c.] : (MG)  
    .09 –  B155(TR) bal B78(TR)    [21 dr.c.] :   .07 – B110(TR) mrk B19(MKK)    [16 dr.c.]   etc… 
Supplied drones by 33 cousin colonies (from 5 sisters, daughters of B712), bred by Jans ter Bork (NL).
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– Drones, Baltrum island mating station (DE – North sea) [bal] , supplied by daughters  of  ...

M112(TR) =   .16 – M84(TR) bal B76(TR)    [20 dr.c.] :   .14 – M180(TR) bal B54(TR)    [22 dr.c.] : (M)  
    .13 –  M62(TR) bal B47(MKK)    [22 dr.c.] :   .11 – M27(TR) bal GR109(TR)    [24 dr.c.]   etc… 
Supplied drones by 20 sister colonies, bred by Thomas Rueppel (DE).
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

  … used as below

× B712(JtB) : B81(RN).12x, B52(RN).12x.
× M112(TR) : B52(RN).10x.

Color code and Abbreviations

Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
--- Breeders ---
GV:Gosse van der Velde (NL)
IC:Christine & Ivan Curić
JtB:Jans ter Bork (NL)
KB:Keld Brandstrup (DK)
KK:Josef Koller (DE)
MKK:Pierre de Koning (NL)
MM:Magnus Menges (DE)
RN:Ruben Neufeld (DE)
ST:Peter Stougård (DK)
TR:Thomas Rueppel (DE)
vdB:Johann & Iris van den Bongard (DE)
2× :AthosSt80R
1× :KilimandQ
1× :MG00R
Races — Do use them
M:monticola - East-African Mountains
MG:Margret's hive No 5
--- Importation mode ---
imq :Laying queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
aml :Ameland island (NL – Friesland)
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
mrk :Marken peninsula (NL)
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