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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrle Breeder code     KKS 
Karol Kamiński
Stare Moczyd&322;a  31
PL-23-225 - Szastarka
Tel: +48(0)721 834 770

— Pedigree Season 2018 —

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– Just imported Breeder Nr …

B39(KKS) =  imq .18 – B39(THK) lthl B19(TR)    [40 dr.c.] :   .17 – B27(THK) krw B323(LS)    [20 dr.c.] : (A)  
    .16 – B11(THK) lthl B19(BB)    [33 dr.c.] :   .15 – B22(THK) lthl A5(CS)    [31 dr.c.]   etc… 
Laying queen imported from Thomas Künzel (DE).
B37(KKS) =  imq .18 – B37(BZF) frkg B92(DB)    [60 dr.c.] :   .16 – B144(HST) ilv × frkg B27(ABg)    [50 dr.c.] : (Li)  
   itq .14 – B63(HST) hbg B101(CHP)    [20 dr.c.] :  imq .13 – B63(TR) hbg B235(PJ)    [18 dr.c.]   etc… 
Laying queen imported from Buckfast Zuchtgemeinschaft Friedrichskoog (DE).
S8(KKS) =  imq .18 –  S7(FLM) lthl B19(TR)    [40 dr.c.] :   .15 – S7(FJO) ivq × bal B69(TR)    [20 dr.c.] : (S)  
   imq .14 –  KB202 oro KB177    :   .10 –  KB048 nex ST348    [12 dr.c.]   etc… 
Laying queen imported from Florian Müller (DE).
C14(KKS) =  imq .18 – CarniQ × CarniDr      (pure carnica from Inst. Celle (DE))
Laying queen imported, Karol Kamiński (PL).
ligne arc-en-ciel de separation

– Drones, Free mating with local production of pure drone colonies [nat] , supplied by daughters  of  ...


Color code and Abbreviations

Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
--- Breeders ---
ABg:Andreas Bendig (DE)
BB:Imkerei Bernd Brix (DE)
BZF:Buckfast Zuchtgemeinschaft Friedrichskoog (DE)
CHP:Christian Peter (DE)
CS:Christian Salau (DE)
DB:Bioland Imkerei Bio-Biene Diana & Detlev Biel (DE)
FJO:Imkerei Osterloh
FLM:Florian Müller (DE)
HST:Stefan Holmer (DE)
KB:Keld Brandstrup (DK)
KKS:Karol Kamiński (PL)
LS:Stefan Luff (DE)
PJ:Paul Jungels (LU)
ST:Peter Stougård (DK)
THK:Thomas Künzel (DE)
TK:Thomas Kodym (AT)
TR:Thomas Rueppel (DE)
1× :Bayburt98-3R
1× :CarniQ
1× :Erfoud07-1Q
1× :Kangaroo98R
Races — Do use them
--- Importation mode ---
ilv :Grafted larvae imported
imq :Laying queen imported
itq :Tested queen imported
ivq :Unmated queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
bal :Baltrum island (DE)
frkg :Friedrichskoog mating place (DE)
hbg :Hausberg mountain (DE)
krw :Karwendel high mountain (DE)
lthl :Lautenthal (Harz, DE)
nex :Nekselø island (DK)
oro :Orø island (DK)
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