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Icône de la Fondation Karl Kehrlé Breeder code     JL 
Juhani Lundén
Peltolantie  83
FI-34640 - Mustajärvi
Tel: +358(0)500 632 401
email: <lunden -at addr.->

— Pedigree Season 2013 —

if you prefer
let translate here



– Buckfast Breeder Nr …

B29(JL) =   .11 – B06(JL) hauk B&Pmix11(JL)  :   .09 – B142(JL) hauk B139(JL)  :  
(9q.)   .08 – B142(JL) nat Bxx08(JL)  :   .05 –  B103(JL) hauk B98(JL)    etc... 
B139(JL) =   .11 – B06(JL) hauk B&Pmix11(JL)  :   .09 – B142(JL) hauk B139(JL)  :  
(9q.)   .08 – B142(JL) nat Bxx08(JL)  :   .05 –  B103(JL) hauk B98(JL)    etc... 
B58(JL) =   .11 – B05(JL) hauk B&Pmix11(JL)  :   .09 – B05(JL) nat Bxx09(JL)  :  
(6q.)   .08 –  B109(JL) nat Bxx08(JL)  :   .06 – B93(JL) hauk EA68(JL)    etc... 
B82(JL) =   .10 – B79(JL) hauk B71(JL)  :   .08 – R85(JL) nat Bxx08(JL)  :  
(3q.)   .06 –  R84(JL) ins Rmix06(JL)  :  itq .04 –  R113(KK) hauk B29pp(JL)    etc... 
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Other (unknown bee race) Breeder Nr …

V7(JL) =  imq .12 – not registered × declared VSH carnica      (from David Miksa Grovland, Florida (USA))
V44(JL) =  imq .12 – not registered × declared VSH carnica      (from David Miksa Grovland, Florida (USA))
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Primorsky Breeder Nr …

R153(JL) =   .12 –  P214(PJ) icl × hauk R116(JL)  :   .10 – P135(PJ) ins R85(JL)  :  
(11q.)   .08 – P133(PJ) ins P133H(PJ)  :   .05 – P166(PJ) ins B158(PJ)    etc... 
Mini-Plus hives, normal evaluation impossible.
V154(JL) =   .12 – V7(JL) hauk R116(JL)  :  imq .12 – not registered × declared VSH carnica 
  (from David Miksa Grovland, Florida (USA))
(??q.) Mini-Plus hives, normal evaluation impossible.
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Drones, Haukkamaa mating station (FI) , supplied by daughters  of  ...

B147(JL) =   .09 – B149(JL) hauk B139(JL)  :   .06 – B15(JL) kurj B18(JL)  :  
    .05 – B126(JL) ins pPmix05(JL)  :   .03 – B62(JL) hauk B53(JL)    etc... 
Supplied drones by cols  Nr.  B10(JL), B38(JL), B50(JL), B53(JL), B61(JL), B64(JL), B121(JL), B132(JL), bred by Juhani Lundén (FI).
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

  ... used as below

× B147(JL) : All lines.
ligne arc-en-ciel de séparation

– Comments of Juhani Lundén ...

Some other colonies were used to make queens for export.

Because of the record rainy season 2012, the hives were small in spring 2013.  The summer 2013 came early.  Honeycrop was under normal all over Finland.

New for this season: no more than one nuc was made from each hive.  Droneline 147 is propably one of the best ever used.

There was no varroa treatment in 2013 (no treatments since 2008)

More on Varroa resistance breeding in Lundén Apiaries.


Evaluation of colonies

Breeder Birth PedigreeEval. Vitality of Temper Swarm. Fecon- Crop Over­win- Building Varroa HYG+
number year of queen year bees brood of bees tend­ency dity Early Summ. tering Combs Propol. num­ber VSH+ after 24 h
B147(JL) 09 B149(JL) × B139(JL) 2011 6 6 3 - - - 6 - - - 6 - -
mode: evpj
Evaluation scale:   from 1 to 6.  1 = very bad.  3 = bad average.  4 = good average.
5 = great performance.  6 = optimum looked for in this feature. [  more ]
Breeder Birth PedigreeEval. Vitality of Temper Swarm. Fecon- Crop Building Varroa HYG+
number year of queen year bees brood of bees tend­ency dity Summ. Combs Propol. num­ber index VSH+ after 24 h
B29(JL) 11 B06(JL) × B&Pmix11(JL) 2013 6 5 5 - - 5 5 - 2.0% 6 - -
B139(JL) 11 B06(JL) × B&Pmix11(JL) 2013 6 5 5 - - 4 5 - 1.7% 6 - -
B58(JL) 11 B05(JL) × B&Pmix11(JL) 2013 5 5 5 - - 5 5 - 2.7% 6 - -
B82(JL) 10 B79(JL) × B71(JL) 2013 5 4 5 - - 5 5 - 5.3% 5 - -
V7(JL) 12 see above 2013 5 5 3 - - 3 2 - 3.0% 6 - -
V44(JL) 12 see above 2013 5 5 4 - - 3 3 - 2.7% 6 - -
mode: evjl
Evaluation scale:   from 1 to 6.  1 = very bad.  3 = bad average.  4 = good average.
5 = great performance.  6 = optimum looked for in this feature. [  more ]

Color code and Abbreviations

Queen without information : pPmix05(JL)
Free matings at random : Bxx08(JL) Bxx09(JL)
Queens from one strain, but mated by drones from another strain .
Their population and daughters (and drones of them) are F1 crossed.
Queen and Drones have the same ancestors: combination to increase or stabilize some characteristics
Queen and/or Drones have unknown exact origin : that makes unable to find their real status.
Queen and Drones result of a cross between two different lines : interesting to increase their resistance and qualities.
--- Breeders ---
IK:Imkerei Kober Thomas Kober †2012(46) (DE)
JL:Juhani Lundén (FI)
KK:Josef Koller (DE)
PJ:Paul Jungels (LU)
3× :B04(JL)
1× :PrimGreen00
1× :PrimRed01
1× :Waltherson
3× :not registered
Races — Do use them
:unknown origin
O:(EL) monticola Elgon
V:VSH tested
--- Importation mode ---
icl :Eggs imported (colony exchange)
imq :Laying queen imported
itq :Tested queen imported
--- Mating Places, etc ---
hauk :Haukkamaa (FI)
hbg :Hausberg mountain (DE)
ibra :Instrumental insemination (LU)
injl :Instrumental insemination (FI)
inpj :Instrumental insemination (LU)
kurj :Kurjenkylä (FI)
nat :Free mated at random
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Property and responsability for these data: Juhani Lundén
Design and realization : Jean-Marie Van Dyck - Jemeppe-sur-Sambre Belgium
Copyright Karl Kehrle Fondation © 2003-2025 — All Rights Reserved
Last update : Sunday 15 March 2020
With the help of some TCL programs on a 13579 Buckfast queens data bank.
Each adding, corrections and comments are welcome to

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