Faculté des Sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion


Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences





Eric Toulemonde

Université de Namur

Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion

8, Rempart de la Vierge

B-5000 Namur



Phone : + 32 81 72 53 13

Fax : + 32 81 72 48 40

E-mail : Eric . Toulemonde at  unamur . be

Office : 524

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► Professor, Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium (since February 2006)

► IZA Research Fellow, Bonn, Germany (since June 2002)

Director of CERPE (Centre de recherches en Economie Régionale et Politique Economique), Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium

Director - Department of the evening programs in economics and management- Bachelor and Masters, Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium


September 2002 - February 2006 : Assistant Professor at HEC - Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

September 1999 - August 2002 : "Chargé de recherches FNRS", Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium

September 1998 - August 1999 : "Marie Curie Fellow" at the University of Aarhus, Denmark

October 1992 - August 1998 : Teaching assistant at the Economics Department, Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium


Papers published (or accepted for publication) in refereed journals

·         BELLEFLAMME P. and TOULEMONDE E. (accepted), "Tax incidence on competing two-sided platforms", Journal of Public Economic Theory.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2017), " Does the market deliver the right technology?", Economics Letters, 150, pp. 95-98.

·         BELLEFLAMME P. and TOULEMONDE E. (2016), "Who Benefits from Increased Competition among Sellers on B2C Platforms?", Research in Economics, 70, 741-751.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2014), "Revenus des facteurs et agglomération", Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, 2, pp. 219-239.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2013), "A welfare analysis of the principle of mutual recognition", European Economic Review, vol.60, pp. 1-16.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2011), "The Proximity - Concentration Trade-off with Asymmetric Countries", Manchester School, vol.79, pp. 972-993.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2009), "On Monopolistic Competition and Optimal Product Diversity: Workers' Rents Also Matter", Canadian Journal of Economics, vol.42, pp. 1347-1360. (previous version: Core DP 2005/16).

·         BELLEFLAMME P. and TOULEMONDE E. (2009), "Negative intra-group externalities in two-sided Markets", International Economic Review, vol.50, pp. 245-272. (Core DP 2007/39).

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2008), "Multinationals: Too Many or Too Few? - The Proximity - Concentration Trade-off", Open Economies Review, vol.19, pp. 203-219.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2006), "Acquisition of Skills, Education Subsidies, and Agglomeration of Firms", Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 59, pp. 420-439.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2006), "Firms Agglomeration and Unions", European Economic Review, vol. 50, pp 669-694.

·         PICARD P.M., THISSE J.F. and TOULEMONDE E. (2004), "Economic Geography and the Role of Profits", Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 56, pp. 144-167.

·         ANDERSEN T.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2004), "Adapting Prices or Quantities in the Presence of Adjustment Costs?", Journal of Money Credit and Banking, vol. 36, pp. 177-196.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2004), "Endogenous Qualifications and Firms' Agglomeration", Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 55, pp. 458-477.

·         BELLEFLAMME P. and TOULEMONDE E. (2003), "Product Differentiation in Successive Vertical Oligopolies", Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 36, pp. 523-545.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2003), "Regional Asymmetries: Economies of Agglomeration versus Unionized Labor Markets", Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 33, pp. 223-249.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2003), "Taxation and Labor Markets", Journal of Economics - Zeitschrift Für  Nationalökonomie, vol.78, pp. 29-56.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2003), "The Interaction Between Efficiency Wage Theories and Labour Turnover Costs", Bulletin of Economic Research, vol.55, pp. 203-208.

·         ANDERSEN T.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2002), "Imperfectly Competitive Labour Markets and the Productivity Puzzle", Economics Letters, vol.75, pp. 115-122.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2001), "Actual versus Virtual Employment in Belgium", Regional Studies, vol.35, pp. 513-518.

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2001), "On the Equivalence of Taxes Paid by Employers and Employees", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol.48, pp. 461-470. 

·         DEHEZ P., de la CROIX D. and TOULEMONDE E. (1999), "Efficient Bargaining with Underutilization of Labor", Journal of Economics - Zeitschrift Für Nationalökonomie, vol. 69, pp. 127-139.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (1999), "Labor Hoarding, Price Rigidity and the Theory of Imperfect Competition under Uncertain Demand", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 101, pp. 477-487.

·         de la CROIX D. and TOULEMONDE E. (1995), "Efficient Over-manning", Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 47, pp. 493-500.

Papers in French

·         PICARD P.M. and TOULEMONDE E. (2001), "De quel côté du marché du travail prélever les impôts ? - Nouveaux éléments théoriques", Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 40, pp. 149-156.

·         BINON F., CHARLES J.B., DELAIGLE S., DESCHAMPS R., JACQUEMIN J.C., LOHEST O., MELARD C., MIGNOLET M., SNEESSENS H., TOULEMONDE E. and VAN DER LINDEN B. (1998) "Recherche relative aux facteurs explicatifs de l'évolution de l'emploi en Wallonie et de la divergence interrégionale pour la période 1974-1995", Report for the Walloon Region.

Book reviews

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2005), "Politique Economique" by A. BENASSY-QUERE, B. COEURE, P. JACQUET and J. PISANI-FERRY, Editions De Boeck, 2004, in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 45, pp. 78-79.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2003), "Intégration économique européenne. Problèmes et analyses" by E. FARVAQUE and G. LAGADEC, Editions De Boeck, 2002, in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 42, p. 97.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (2002), "Le marché du travail" by P. CAHUC and A. ZYLBERBERG, Editions De Boeck, 2001, in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 41, pp. 145-146.

·         TOULEMONDE E. (1999), "Le droit d'être actif - Pour une écologie du temps" by Th.-M. BOUCHAT and Ph. DEFEYT, Editions Quorum, 1999, in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 38, pp. 132-133.



        2006 - 2007

                2009-2010 (Namur)

        2000 - 2001 (Namur)



Equilibrium search and matching models

Advanced macroeconomics


        2007 - 2016 (Namur)

        2007 - ...     (Namur)

        2006 - ...     (Namur)

        2006 - ...     (Namur)

        2006 - ...     (Namur)

        2002 - 2005 (Lausanne)

        2001 - 2002 (Namur)


Séminaire de lectures scientifiques (evening classes)

Research seminar I - Microeconomics

Séminaire d'application économique (evening classes)

Economie du travail (evening classes)

Imperfections des marchés: conséquences macro.

European integration: Implication for business

General equilibrium and welfare economics


        2006 - ...     (Namur)

        2008 - 2009 (Luxembourg)

        2002 - 2006 (Lausanne)

        2002 - 2006 (Lausanne)

        2002 - 2005 (Lausanne)


Economie industrielle (evening classes)

Economie du travail et de l'emploi

Commerce et compétitivité internationale

Macroéconomie II

Statistique et économétrie appliquée


1998 : Ph. D. in Economics (Université de Namur), Wages, employment and qualifications, Supervisor : Prof. Robert Deschamps

1992 : Licence et Maîtrise en Sciences Economiques et Sociales (Université de Namur)